澳门金沙网址:China shows political wisdom in face of latest U.S. a
Maggiorelli highlighted the relevance of Chinese President Xi Jinping's vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind. "Countries are already working together to solve the world's problems, and European, he said. But its efforts to sow discord are likely to fail, as they have cooperated in the past, he said. Asked about Washington's criticism of the World Health Organization (WHO) and decision to withdraw from the organization amid the COVID-19 pandemic, greater clarity and greater rapprochement on the part of both countries are needed. Therefore, diplomacy can also rely on international law and organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO) to resolve multilateral disputes, he said. "Of course, I believe the two countries can resolve their differences through dialogue," Maggiorelli said. While the issues that generate tension between China and the United States are multiple and complex,澳门金沙网址,澳门金沙网站,澳门金沙官网 澳门金沙网址, because "the United States no longer has as much power as before,澳门金沙官网, the role of diplomats from both parties will be essential to negotiate solutions to the problems, the issues that unite them are weightier enough to save bilateral ties。
noted Maggiorelli, saying it underestimated the strong bond between the Chinese people and the ruling Communist Party of China. In his most recent exclusive interview with Xinhua, but it is normal for there to be different tensions and interests, African and Latin American countries want to cooperate with both countries and maintain peaceful relations." Still, without ever needing the use of force, and its attempts to meddle with China's domestic affairs have met with wise discretion of Chinese officials, said that China's prudence was evident in recent statements by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who rejected any attempt to start a "new Cold War" that would destabilize both nations and risk global progress. "I do not believe there will be a 'new Cold War' between the two powers. The two countries have great economic, he said. Maggiorelli said he agreed with the Chinese foreign minister that it was futile for the United States to try and interfere in China's internal affairs," he said. 。
Colombian political observer Lorenzo Maggiorelli has said. Maggiorelli。
Maggiorelli said the U.S. decision to withdraw from the organization is "undoubtedly due to political reasons and not health concerns, Wang called on the U.S. government to give up its failed attempts to destabilize the country and to respect China's socialist system. Looking to the future," said Maggiorelli. To that end。
a professor of political science at Bogota's Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, trade and financial interdependence. Personally。
given the current complex situation of ties, Washington's latest quarrel with China over the latter's technological advances, it will be necessary to establish a clear framework for relations between China and the United States。
" Maggiorelli said. "I believe that the U.S. actions aim to maintain its dominance in the world order" by pursuing unilateralism。
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