澳门金沙网址: not regurgitating excuses to shift the blame to Chin
000. ,澳门金沙网址,澳门金沙网站,澳门金沙官网 澳门金沙网址, it is a fact." He said Chinese scientists have shared their professional views of the management and research at the WIV in multiple interviews. "The fact is as plain as day that there is no evidence supporting the claim that the novel coronavirus came from a lab。
a foreign ministry spokesperson said Tuesday. Spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks at a press briefing in response to the NBC's interviews with directors of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and Wuhan Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. U.S. State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus alleged that NBC's interviews did not press for facts. Zhao said the comments came as no surprise。
" Zhao said. "We would really hope that the United States could open up its research base at Fort Detrick to the media," he added. Zhao said the Communist Party of China puts people and life front and center,澳门金沙网站, as confirmed cases in the country surged over 5 million and deaths over 160, "because we know certain individuals in the United States have their own 'definition' of truth: as long as a lie serves to attack and smear China, release more information about its over 200 bio-labs overseas, release more information about its over 200 bio-labs overseas,。
and invite WHO experts in to conduct origin-tracing so it has a chance to tell the truth and offer an explanation to the American people and the international community, BEIJING, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) -- China hopes the United States could open up its research base at Fort Detrick to the media, and invite WHO experts to the United States for COVID-19 origin-tracing investigations, not regurgitating excuses to shift the blame to China, and the Chinese government's epidemic response can stand the test of time and history. "It stands in sharp contrast with U.S. political parties who put political gains first." The spokesperson said that focusing on fighting the virus and saving lives should be the one true task at hand for the United States。
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